Tuesday, May 09, 2006


After cleaning the cooker yesterday, I decided to use it!!
Being so busy all the time we resort to take aways far too often than we used to and I am now fed up of them!
So,yesterday I decided to try a new way to cook rice - the Iranian way and it was yummy. You have to par boil the rice (basmati) first, then in a separate pan melt some butter and oil and add sliced potato to the bottom in a layer, then add the drained rice on top, put a clean tea towel on the pan then the lid, turn down low and leave it for about 20 minutes. The result is perfectly cooked rice with a crispy crust of potatoes, everyone loved it and I think I'll be making it again. We had chicken and mushrooms in a sauce to go with it and me and Layla made a pudding. We were looking through some cook books and drooling over the recipes for Lebanese milk puddings, Nasser usually makes these, but me and Layla decided to make one,it was so easy to make and it was gorgeous. Layla wanted to eat all 10 dishes and pretend that we never made it!!


Sue Jones said...

Sounds heavenly Caroline :)
I used to have an Irannian boyfriend when i was a collage and loved it when he cooked for me :)

Helen E Cosmetics said...

What sort of collage was you Sue?
Didn't you feel a bit flat?!
(wheres that evil blinkie when you need him!!!!)